Reclaim+Repair: The Mahogany Project
When the Museum of Vancouver offered us the opportunity to make use of an extraordinary trove of vintage mahogany harvested in Central America between the 1950’s and 1970’s, we knew we needed to find a special purpose for this exceptional material.
We agreed that not only did this beautiful wood deserve to be honoured with all the creativity and craft that we could bring to bear, but that it was important to understand and acknowledge the troubled history of resource extraction that was likely the context under which this precious resource was harvested.
Working with our friends at the Museum of Vancouver, we conceived the idea of Reclaim+Repair: The Mahogany Project, an exhibition that would call upon Vancouver’s diverse design community to create works of art and design made from this vintage hardwood. In addition, it was agreed that a substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale of these pieces would go to support indigenous-led reforestation initiatives in Central America.
The response from the design community to our call for submissions to The Mahogany Project was overwhelming. Sixty-five worthy concepts were submitted. Through a juried selection process, 31 artists and designers were chosen to create pieces. The result is an exhibition that not only shows the breadth of creativity and craft that characterizes Vancouver’s burgeoning design community, but helps deepen the conversation around the role of design in creating a more sustainable future.
Participating Artists and Designers:
Angelica Shiwon Jang (Plain Sight Creative) - Plain Sight Creative
Anna Gustafson (Blue Horse) - Blue Horse - @annagustafson1
Arnt Arntzen (Arnt Arntzen Furniture) - Arnt Arntzen Furniture @arntarntzenartist
Becki Chan (Becki Chan Design) - Becki Chan Design - @beckichan
Benny Kwok and Mira Yung (Sml Studio) - Sml Studio
Bram Sawatzky (Willow & Stump Design) - Willow & Stump Design Co. - @willowandstump
Brent Comber (Brent Comber Originals) - Brent Comber Originals - @brentcomberoriginals
Devin Connell (Carbon Being Design) - @carbonbeingdesign
Diane Thompson (Clay Plus Jewelry) - @clayplusjewelry
Josiah Peters & Ryan Tam (Lock and Mortice) - Lock and Mortice - @lockandmortice
Imu Chan & Katy Young (Imu Chan Architecture) - Imu Chan Architecture
Jessica Guthrie (JC Guthrie) - JC Guthrie - @j_c_guthrie
Jordan Lypkie (Objects of Encounter) - @objectsofencounter
Kaly Ryan (Capella Design) - Capella Design - @designbycapella
Kenneth Torrance (Barter) - B A R T E R - @barter.design
Kevin Isherwood and Christa Clay (Studio AY) - Studio AY - @kwisherwood - @christaclay
Mario Paredes (Workbench Studio) - Workbench Studio - @workbench.studio
Nina Rozin (Nina Rozin Footwear Studio) - @nina_rozin_footwear_studio
Sage Nowak & Tyler Goin (Studio Noise Assembly) - Noise Assembly - @studio.noiseassembly & @sagenowak
Shelley Park (Shelley D. Park Guitars) - Shelley D. Park - @parkguitars
Stu Coleman (SCD WOODWORKS) - @scdwoodworks
Tanya Gleave (T A N I A G L E A V E) - @taniagleave
Toby Barratt, Pamela Goddard and Nik Rust (Propellor Studio) - @propellorstudio